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Re: [sumo-user] SUMO crashes when taxis added to routing file

Hi Griffin,

you had a double quote in the vType defintion (persontripsseed1.rou.xml, line 27) messing up your xml. After deleting it, the simulation runs to the end.

Best regards

Am 17.06.2022 um 18:14 schrieb Griffin Hanekamp:
Hi sumo users,

I'm building a SUMO simulation featuring person trips and a demand-responsive taxi system. The simulation runs perfectly when no taxi vehicles are added to the simulation; meaning, when I do not define vType taxi and taxi trip IDs into the person trip routing file. When I add these lines of code, SUMO crashes. SUMO also crashes when I define vType taxi and trip IDs in a separate routing file and include that as an input.

I've attached my network file, person trip routing file, and config file to this email.

Thanks in advance for the help,

Griffin Hanekamp
Technical University of Munich | 2022
Georgia Institute of Technology | 2017
M. +4917632120070
Other. +16308095148

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