Hi all,
I am using SUMO 1.13.0 to simulate freeway traffic with a time step of 0.01 seconds. In my test simulation, I found an interesting vehicle misbehavior at junctions.
As shown in the attached figures (TestModel_15_670.bmp - TestModel_15_720.bmp) presenting the simulation from 15.670 seconds to 15.720 seconds, the vehicle jumped with its bumper touching the downstream edge when it arrived at the stop line on the upstream edge at the previous simulation step.
I also tested the simulation demo from
https://github.com/DLR-TS/sumo-scenarios/tree/main/bologna/acosta. However, the vehicle trajectory was really smooth without any jump when it crossed the junction; see the attached figures (Bologna_66_690.bmp-Bologna_66_770.bmp) presenting the simulation from 66.690 seconds to 66.770 seconds.
Clearly, there was something wrong in my test simulation. I have checked the parameters of links and junctions of the two simulation files, but found nothing suspicious. I also attached my test simulation files. Can anybody give some hints?