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Re: [sumo-user] Cooperative changes vs speed adaptation

Often vehicles drive close to their desired speed so "speeding up" is rarely the expected response.
What's more likely to happen is that either the blocking vehicle slows down to open a gap for ego or the ego slows down to find a gap behind the blocker.
Which of those two happens depends on the speed difference, relative positions, desired maximum speeds, ...
It will not depend on the duration argument to the changeLaneRelative request. The latter only determines for how long the ego vehicle keeps trying.

Am Mi., 4. Mai 2022 um 19:21 Uhr schrieb Hriday Sanghvi via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
So assuming I set this lane change mode for an agent and then issue a changeLaneRelative request to the left lane. If there is a vehicle blocking this ego vehicle on the left side, it will either slow down or speed up to ensure that the lane change goes through no matter what? Or will that depend on the duration given for the changeLaneRelative request to be completed?


On Wed, 4 May 2022 at 18:11, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
1. It's enough if ego has set these bits
2. yes

Am Mi., 4. Mai 2022 um 18:27 Uhr schrieb Hriday Sanghvi via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:
Hello Jakob,

Bits 3 and 2 make sense to me now, along with the example. Thank you. 
Just 2 more questions on bits 9 and 8:

1. "adapt speed to fulfill request" describes that traci changes are treated with "urgency" and thus on the same level as strategic changes. So when these bits are set on the lane change mode for the ego agent, then the other vehicles will assist the ego vehicle to achieve the necessary gaps? Or do these bits have to be set for the lane change mode of the other vehicles too?

2. The nature of the speed adaptation is always only longitudinal and will consist of these other vehicles either speeding up or slowing down to create an opening for the ego vehicle to lane change into that opening?

Please advise.


On Wed, 4 May 2022 at 15:54, Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
- bits 9 and 8 are only applied to user-requested traci changes. the statement "adapt speed to fulfill request" describes that traci changes are treated with "urgency" and thus on the same level as strategic changes. When this is set, other vehicles will assist the ego vehicle to achieve the necessary gaps.
- bits 3 and 2 only control lateral cooperative movement but this applies to things that the vehicle (it's lanechangemodel) would do when left alone. The bits have no impact on traci.changeLane and similar commands.

> in what situation does a vehicle need to "cooperatively" change lane to "allow" another vehicle to change lane? Since the vehicle could just increase its speed to create a gap?
consider an on ramp to a two-lane motorway A vehicle on the right lane may elect to change left for helping a vehicle merge rather than braking to create a helpful gap.
Also, the merging vehicle cannot ensure a gap by increasing speed since it is constrain by the length of it's acceleration lane.

Am Mi., 4. Mai 2022 um 14:47 Uhr schrieb Hriday Sanghvi via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Setting bits 3 and 2 of the lane change mode controls the cooperative changes in a simulation. Setting bits 9 and 8 controls how much the speed/brake gaps of others are respected when changing lanes, and adaptation of speed to fulfil requests.

As I understand it, the difference between setting bits 3 and 2 vs. setting bits 9 and 8 is that bits 3 and 2 control only the lateral action of changing lanes, while setting bits 9 and 8 controls the longitudinal action of speeding up or slowing down?

In that case, in what situation does a vehicle need to "cooperatively" change lane to "allow" another vehicle to change lane? Since the vehicle could just increase its speed to create a gap?

Thank you.

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