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Re: [sumo-user] Converted shape file on sumo file network

- converting OSM to shapefile and then shapefile to .net.xml will not work as well as converting OSM to .net.xml directly (
- your command fails due to an invalid path '\' instead of  ''

Am Do., 3. März 2022 um 14:45 Uhr schrieb nassim adane via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>:

Dears colleagues ,


I am a beginner in the use of SUMO Software.

I have an OSM file that i converted to a shape file. I tried to converti t to a Sumo network with netconvert.

The command executes with an error message, generating an empty network file.

The entire « runtime » message is transmitted in the attached Word file.

The essence of the error message is as follows :


C:\Users\cttp\Sumo>netconvert -v --shapefile-prefix varianteAvecPro -o\ --shapefile.use-defaults-on-failure


Loading data from 'varianteAvecPro.shp' ... ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_identify: Cannot find proj.db

ERROR 1: PROJ: proj_create_from_database: Cannot find proj.db


Available fields: osm_id name highway waterway aerialway barrier man_made z_order other_tags

pj_obj_create: Cannot find proj.db

Warning: Edge '24' connects identical nodes, skipping.


Writing network ...

Error: Could not build output file '\' (Invalid argument).

Quitting (on error).



Thank you for your help.

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