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[sumo-user] using Calibrator with routeProbe
Dear all,
I have created an additional file in which I define an edge calibrator to increase the flow on that edge to 2500 veh/h (just to make sure I can make it work). But it seems that the calibrator doesn't add that many vehicles. I can see in the detector output that it adds only 20 vehs. Is there something that I am missing?
Thanks for the help.
<calibratorstats xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://sumo.dlr.de/xsd/calibratorstats_file.xsd">
<interval begin="0.00" end="3600.00" id="cali_315202567" nVehContrib="44" removed="0" inserted="20" cleared="0" flow="44.00" aspiredFlow="2500.00" speed="12.70" aspiredSpeed="-1.00"/>
<interval begin="3600.00" end="7200.00" id="cali_315202567" nVehContrib="56" removed="0" inserted="30" cleared="8" flow="56.00" aspiredFlow="5000.00" speed="0.16" aspiredSpeed="-1.00"/>
<vType id="t0" speedDev="0.1"/>
<routeProbe id="cali_315202567_probe" edge="315202567" freq="600" file="output_routeProbe.xml"/>
<route id="cali1_fallback" edges="315202567"/>
<calibrator id="cali_315202567" edge="315202567" pos="0" output="detector.xml" freq="600" routeProbe="cali_315202567_probe">
<flow begin="0" end="3600" route="cali1_fallback" vehsPerHour="2500" type="t0" departPos="free" departSpeed="max"/>
<flow begin="3600" end="7200" route="cali1_fallback" vehsPerHour="5000" type="t0" departPos="free" departSpeed="max"/>