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[sumo-user] Traci findIntermodalRoute Question

Dear all,

Hi, I am trying to use traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute to compare found routes between modes = "public" and modes = "car". My question is that when I set modes="public", only the first edge is included in any public transportation stage  (please refer to the underlined Stage object below). Also, the travel time of this particular stage seems to be extremely short on a similar length compared to a car.  If we compare the travel time of driving or taking public transport from the same begin edge and end edge, the travel time on cars is significantly large than it on public transport (no bus-only lane or anything else that privileges buses) . Please see the two routes below.

So I am wondering if my understanding of how Traci.findIntermodalRoute works are correct or if there is any way to obtain the right travel time on any stage that uses public transport?

Thanks so much for your help!

 - test_route = traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute(beg_edge,end_edge,walkFactor = 0.75, modes = "public")

(Stage(type=2, destStop=myStop, edges=('271594087#1',), travelTime=28.800960000000018, cost=28.800960000000003, length=30.000999999999998, depart=97.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=30.0), Stage(type=3, line=bus, destStop=myStop_2, edges=('-367152826#15',), travelTime=44.19995999999999, cost=44.199960000000004, length=7428.412650498181, intended=bus.3, depart=160.0, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=7428.411650498181), Stage(type=2, edges=('-367152826#15',), travelTime=61.13280000000003, cost=61.13280000000003, length=221.03999999999905, depart=170.00092, departPos=30.0, arrivalPos=93.68))

 - test_route_2 = traci.simulation.findIntermodalRoute(beg_edge,end_edge,walkFactor = 0.75, modes = "car")

(Stage(type=3, vType=DEFAULT_VEHTYPE, line=car, edges=('271594087#1', '271594087#2', '468446551', '468446550', '468446554', '468446552', '468446557', '469169585', '468446558#0', '469169584#0', '469169586', '469169587', '468446564', '468446563', '468446569', '468446568', '468446571', '468446570', '468446573', '468446572', '468446575#0', '468446574', '271594082#0', '271594082#1', '397335170', '397335165', '397335171', '397335168', '397335163', '397335166', '397335173', '397335181#0', '397335164', '397335169', '397335175#1', '397335172', '397337442#0', '397337442#1', '397337442#2', '397337399', '468425744', '397337437', '468425740', '397337410', '397337421', '397337431', '271551907#0', '271551907#1', '469148829', '50530132', '50530138', '397337440', '397337426', '397337375', '397337394', '397337405#0', '397337416', '397337441#1', '397337348', '271604499#0', '271604499#2', '271604499#4', '469161075', '469161077', '397277227', '397277234#0', '397277229', '397277228', '397277233', '397277574', '397277577', '271604501#0', '271604501#1', '397277587', '397277585', '397277581#0', '397277589#0', '397277600#0', '397277570#0', '397277571#0', '397277580#0', '397277591#0', '397277579#0', '397277590#0', '397277578#0', '397277583#0', '397277964#0', '397277955#0', '397277602#0', '397277602#2', '397277602#4', '-29211235', '-29211234', '-479467013#24', '-479467013#20', '-479467013#15', '-479467013#12', '-479467013#7', '-479467013#4', '-360946476#6', '-422606470#6', '-397280575#1', '-397280576#1', '-397280577#1', '-478603662#1', '-808279244#5', '-808279244#4', '-367152826#18', '-367152826#15'), travelTime=543.8486600934315, cost=543.8486600934317, length=7708.189999999998, intended=car, depart=97.00096, departPos=0.0, arrivalPos=93.68),)


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