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Re: [sumo-user] Undesired boarding/alighting behavior with persons "jumping" across lanes at stops

Hi Joerg,
the development version supports stop attribute 'permitted' to restrict the set of passengers and containers that may enter/load. If you set permitted="somethingThatIsntAPersonID" than basically the door is locked.

Since this attribute isn't supported by traci.vehicle.addStop you could also change the vehicleType to one with personCapacity=0 to prevent boarding. (

Regarding the dangerous "jumping" behavior we might eventually model the "walk" to the dangerous lane with all the necessary interactions and delay but that isn't solved quickly.

best regards,

Am Di., 15. Dez. 2020 um 16:08 Uhr schrieb joerg <schweizer.joerg@xxxxxxxxx>:
Der SUMO users/developers,

in my simulations with traci I observed the following undesired behavior
(at least from my side):

Given an edge with *3*  lanes where the first lane is a footpath and the
others are accessible for vehicles and the stop element is attached to
the second lane. Then a person standing on the footpath is able to board
a stopped vehicle on lane 3, thus "jumping" across lane 2. Moreover, if
people are in a vehicle on the 3rd lane in front of a stop, they would
jump immediately on the footpath as soon as the vehicles stops.

This behavior is undesired because:

- it is dangerous in reality

- it is (almost) impossible to stop a vehicle in front of a stop at a
predifined position, while preventing that potential passengers board
(or alight). I need to stop vehicles just for logistic reasons.

My first question would be: is there a simple way to impede persons to
board a vehicle at a stop (possibly without changing the plan).

If not, I'd see different possibilities to resolve such situations:

1. the person boards only if the vehicle is on the same lane as the stop
(maybe the simplest, but not the best, also because if would maybe
change simulation results of the present version)

2. the possibility to lock the door of the vehicle, maybe as an
additional argument of the setStop() command

3. a  stop maneuver that just stops the vehicle at a defined position,
without letting anyone in.

Thanks for any comment or suggestion.

Best wishes,


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