Regarding jams: I don't think that there is a traffic-count mismatch. After all, the traffic counts at the intersection should be no higher than you real-world measurements.
Also, by using turn-counts instead of edge-counts, a big part of the route-related ambiguity is eliminated. At least when taken in isolation, every intersection should be a close match to reality.
From my experience, there are plenty of things that can go wrong with turn lanes and lane-to-lane connections that can reduce intersection flow and create jams in a scenario that is already close to saturation.
Here is a somewhat systematic approach to understanding the jams:
- pick one of your intersections with lots of traffic that appears to be oversaturated (queues keep growing over multiple traffic light cycles)
- create a sub-network with just this intersection and plenty of incoming edge length (to better observe growing queues)
- use routeSampler to create traffic for just this intersection (it should be easy to get a perfect traffic match for a single intersection)
- look at the simulation carefully,
- Are all lanes used?
- Is the traffic light switching reasonably?
- Is the measured flow even plausible?
- Are there any deadlocks?
If you still cannot figure it out, send me an offending single-junction scenario at I'll check it out myself.