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Re: [sumo-user] device.rerouting.adaptation-interval

Hi Lukas,
well both are wrong ;-). The default is that the average over the last k snapshots is taken (where k is the parameter device.routing.adaptation-steps and defaults to 180). Alternatively an exponential averaging can be employed by setting device.routing.adaptation-weight to a value larger than 0, see

Best regards,

Am 2019-07-18 20:10, schrieb Lukas A:
Hi all,

I am using the automatic routing in sumo.
I was wondering if you could clarify whether
device.rerouting.adaptation-interval was the time at which edge-weights
were calculated based on

A) snapshots (e.g. every 120s, I check what the CURRENT speeds are)
B) averages over the last interval (e.g. use the average speeds of the last

were taken.

Many thanks


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