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[sumo-user] Coordinate system for file outputs - Projection Problem

Hi all,


I’ve used the WebWizard to generate a network file and I’ve converted the lines into a JSON format. I need to fix the projection though as to overlay it onto a map. The line coordinates are defined as followed:


shape="2341.81,2313.86 2340.45,2313.94 2339.52,2313.95 2338.58,2313.93 2337.22,2313.89"


I assume these maybe coordinates from a lower left corner. Does anyone know how to use the reference data to convert these to British national Grid or to Lat Longs (WGS84). The location coordinate component which gives some information shows this:


<location netOffset="-526561.27,-5698105.60" convBoundary="0.00,-0.00,5740.81,3968.92" origBoundary="-2.712703,51.422728,-2.534214,51.500660" projParameter="+proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs"/>


I can’t see how to use this to reproject the data though.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Kind regards,




Dr Barry Evans BSc(Hons), MSc, PhD

College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Sciences,

Harrison Building,

University of Exeter,

North Park Road,




Tel: +44(0)1392724075

Email: b.evans@xxxxxxxxxxxx


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