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[sumo-user] Writing output to and receiving output on a socket


Sorry for asking about the same topic twice, but I didn't get a response when I asked a follow up question. I'm trying to open a server socket that listens for only one client and outputs to the console or a file (whichever I chose).

According to Michael, who responded last time, this code should do:
import socket
    port = 1338
    s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
    s.bind(("localhost", port))
    conn, addr = s.accept()
    f = conn.makefile('rb') 

There is a python script that has this code, but I'm trying to reimplement it in C++. Specifically, I am looking into using socket.h and socket.cpp, which already comes with the SUMO repository:

The only code I've written is basically me creating a Socket object and testing some of the functions.

I expect to be able to use socket.h/socket.cpp to listen in on what SUMO is outputting instead of having it write to a file.

Here's my code. The /=== line separates the two programs I have. I have two programs, one that acts as the server (well, it's supposed to) and the one that runs SUMO, which from my understanding is the client. 

Currently, all I get is this error.


I'd appreciate any assistance.





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