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Re: [sumo-user] Bus Stop

Your are missing the definition of the actual busStop:
The <stop> element within a vehicle may references these stoppling locations.

Am Di., 26. März 2019 um 17:06 Uhr schrieb Niero, Stefano (IG/M) <stefano.niero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>:


I inserted a bus stop based on the template that I found on the wiki. The problem is that the stops that I inserted with netEdit are not visualized by SUMO and eventually the car

Here is the script:


<vehicle id="train0" depart="60">

               <route edges="-337386709#10 -337386709#9 -337386709#8 -337386709#7"/>

               <stop busStop="busStop_-337386709#10_0_4" duration="10"/>

               <stop busStop="busStop_-337386709#9_0_0" duration="10"/>

                                <stop busStop="busStop_-337386709#8_0_1" duration="10"/>


                <person id="person0" depart="0" color="1,1,0">

               <walk edges="gneE16 gneE15 -337386709#9"/>

               <ride from="-337386709#9" to="-337386709#8" lines="car0"/>

               <walk from="-337386709#8" to="341010325#4" arrivalPos="10"/>




                <person id="foo" depart="10" color="1,0,0">

                                <walk edges="gneE16 gneE15 -337386709#9 338863073"/>


And this is the error:

Warning: The attribute departPos is no longer supported for walks, please use the person attribute, the arrivalPos of the previous step or explicit stops.

Warning: Route file should be sorted by departure time, ignoring 'person0'!

Error: The busStop 'busStop_-337386709#10_0_4' is not known in vehicle 'train0'.

Error: The busStop 'busStop_-337386709#9_0_0' is not known in vehicle 'train0'.

Error: The busStop 'busStop_-337386709#8_0_1' is not known in vehicle 'train0'.

Nor the car triggered is working, giving me this warning:

Warning: person0 at edge '-337386709#9' position 28.31 cannot use waiting vehicle 'car0' at position 0.00 because it is too far away.

Warning: Person 'person0' aborted waiting for car0 at edge '-337386709#9'.

Warning: Vehicle car0 aborted waiting for a person or a container that will never come.

Here is the xml file in routes:

                <person id="person0" depart="0" color="1,1,0">

               <walk edges="gneE16 gneE15 -337386709#9"/>

               <ride from="-337386709#9" to="-337386709#8" lines="car0"/>

               <walk from="-337386709#8" to="341010325#4" arrivalPos="10"/>




                <person id="foo" depart="10" color="1,0,0">

                                <walk edges="gneE16 gneE15 -337386709#9 338863073"/>



                <vehicle id="car0" depart="triggered">

        <route edges="-337386709#9 -337386709#8" departPos="0"/>

        <stop lane="-337386709#9_0" duration="20" startPos="20" endPos="30"/>



Am I missing anything?

Thank you very much!

Stefano Niero
Mobility Solutions

Via Achille Grandi, 25 10024 Moncalieri, , Italy
Mobile: +39 340 0064741   
mail: stefano.niero@xxxxxxxxxxxxx






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