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Re: [sumo-user] 答复: traci colliding command

yes you (and the pydoc) are right (and I was wrong), both vehicles are
in the list but you cannot tell which is the collider and which is the

Best regards,

Am 28.01.2018 um 15:50 schrieb 杜 伟强:
> Thank you so much
> I use an old version ‘s traci
> And
> and
> these tow links describe: typically 2 per collision
> does this conflict with your describtion?
> 发送自Windows 10 版邮件 <>应用
> *发件人: *Michael Behrisch <mailto:oss@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> *发送时间: *2018年1月28日22:16
> *收件人: *Sumo project User discussions <mailto:sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxx>;
> 杜伟强 <mailto:ishadowprince@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> *主题: *Re: [sumo-user] traci colliding command
> Hi,
> the commands are there,
> but they only give summary information not for an individual vehicle
> so you will find out which one collided, because it is in the list, but
> not which other vehicle participated.
> Best regards,
> Michael
> Am 26.01.2018 um 10:34 schrieb 杜 伟强:
>> Hello:
>>        In ,
>> there are tow commands about colliding:
>> getCollidingVehiclesNumber
>> <>
>> and getCollidingVehiclesIDList
>> <>
>>        but I can’t find these tow command in traci library and sumo source.
>> So ,why and how can I know that a specific car getting colliding with
>> another one
>> Thank you
>> 发送自Windows 10 版邮件<>应用
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