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Re: [sumo-user] TRACI getParameter issues


1) Your command is correct and should work with the version you downloaded. At least it does so in our tests. The only reason for the error message you see that I can currently think of is some character encoding shenanigans. Try copying the call from our nightly tests here: (line 98)

2) Generic parameter calls are currently used only for a few non-core attributes as well as user-defined attributes. The list of supported keys is documented for every object domain

To access vehicle speed, call traci.vehicle.getSpeed("vehicle_id_1")


2017-12-15 17:46 GMT+01:00 Xavier Paul Lister Lavenir <xlavenir@xxxxxxx>:



I’ve been having a few problems with Traci lately. I have a few questions:


1)      Parking capacity

I’m trying to access the capacity of parking spaces in TraCI. I’ve downloaded the latest development version from SUMO at the following link:

I used the following code to try to access the capacity of a parking area with id "ParkingArea1/20to1/19":


traci.simulation.getParameter("ParkingArea1/20to1/19", "parkingArea.capacity")


But I get the following error:


traci.exceptions.TraCIException: Parameter 'parkingArea.capacity' is not supported.


Am I doing the parameter call wrongly? Or generally, do I need to download the source code for the latest development version of SUMO and build it to get access to the latest features? (Rather than link download above)


2)      Generic Parameter calls


I’ve tried to access generic parameters of entities in SUMO, via the getParameter command, but I’ve only been getting empty string responses. For example, I’ve tried to access the speed of a vehicle using the following command:


traci.vehicle.getParameter("vehicle_id_1",  "speed")


But the response is an empty string – I’ve tried to retrieve other parameters such as position and I get the same response.

Is there something wrong with the above command?


Many thanks,


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