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Re: [sumo-user] Unable to disable sidewalk guessing with OSM / netconvert

the sidewalks are generated due to the use of typemap osmNetconvertPedestrians.typ.xml

2017-10-25 23:47 GMT+02:00 Dan Vanderkam <danvk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
I'm trying to generate an accurate SUMO network for this intersection. OSM explicitly models footpaths for this area, so I'd like to disable the automatic generation of them with netconvert. Unfortunately, additional footpaths keep getting generated.

Here's the OSM XML file I'm using:

And here's my netconvert command line:

 --ramps.guess -v
 --junctions.corner-detail 5
 --tls.default-type actuated
 --osm-files qq.osm.xml
 --type-files typemap/osmNetconvert.typ.xml,typemap/osmNetconvertUrbanDe.typ.xml,typemap/osmNetconvertPedestrians.typ.xml,typemap/osmNetconvertBicycle.typ.xml

Note that I'm specifically not setting the recommended --sidewalks.guess flag. However, I still get extra sidewalks generated for some of the road segments and even bike lanes:

Inline image 1

(there shouldn't be a footpath between the streetcar tracks and the road on the left).

Here's what it looks like in the file:

  <edge id="-445664696" from="3121483865" to="60948064" name="Queens Quay West" priority="7" type="highway.secondary" shape="831.74,188.79 872.26,199.76 911.36,211.25 936.76,219.72 950.71,225.36">
    <lane id="-445664696_0" index="0" allow="pedestrian" speed="11.11" length="114.35" width="3.00" shape="838.12,185.50 873.58,195.09 912.81,206.62 938.44,215.17 947.62,218.88">
      <param key="origId" value="445664696"/>
    <lane id="-445664696_1" index="1" disallow="tram rail_urban rail rail_electric pedestrian ship" speed="11.11" length="114.35" shape="837.29,188.59 872.71,198.17 911.85,209.67 937.33,218.17 946.42,221.84">
      <param key="origId" value="445664696"/>

I believe the lane with index="0" is the generated footpath. I'd like it to not appear. Is there some netconvert setting I'm missing?

I'm using a version of netconvert built locally from git commit e586adc32592a0f099caf656d0a8a2d82ea2fa07.

  - Dan

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