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Re: [sumo-user] Stop the pedestrian at a certain position while crossing

To make the person stop you can use traci.person.setSpeed(personID, 0)
The value returned by traci.person.getLanePosition() returns the distance from the start of that lane in m. Since the crossing lane is orthogonal to the road lanes you should be able to stop in the middle of a road lane when the distance is around 1.6m and again when it's around 4.8m (road lane default width is 3.2m).

2017-10-19 19:05 GMT+02:00 Sara el hamdani via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:

I want that pedestrians would cross the road one lane at a time so that
they would stop at the line (the red line in the figure) after passing a
lane before they continue the corssing.

I tried with traci.person.getLanePosition() but it doesn't seem to be what
I need, and I am not sure the values returned by it are not related to the
lane on which the vehicles are driving.

Does anybody have an idea about how can I get the postion of the pedestrian
on the lane or any other value that can help me achieve my goal ?
*Best regards*

*Phd student -Umi University.*

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