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Re: [sumo-user] Doubt about simulation

First, thanks for answering fast.
But this component sigma, I've already looked for it before, and my code is:

<vType id="carro_10" accel="2.6" decel="4" length="3.0" maxSpeed="24" sigma="0"/>
<route id="rota10" edges="gneE9 gneE15 gneE16 gneE17 gneE85 gneE86"/>
<vehicle departSpeed="max" depart="0" id="veiculo_10" route="rota10" type="carro_10"/>

For both simulation, with and without SpeedSign, the route file is the same, I have not changed.
Can be this the cause of the difference in the time ?

Best regards,
Victor Hugo.

2017-10-02 3:34 GMT-03:00 Jakob Erdmann <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
by default, vehicle speeds have a stochastic component (parameter sigma = 0.5) which causes vehicle to drive slower than the speed limit and also slower than indicated by the variable speed sign.

2017-10-02 4:01 GMT+02:00 Victor Hugo <victor.hugo.ufpb@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi, I'm trying to simulate a model which there are no collisions, to do that, I'm using variableSpeedSign to set the velocity of an edge.
My doubt is: Why is variableSpeedSign slower than a vehicle of the same velocity ?
<vType id="carro_10" accel="2.6" decel="4" length="3.0" maxSpeed="24" sigma="0"/>
<variableSpeedSign id="vss_50" lanes="gneE9_0">
    <step time="0" speed="6.7"/><!-- 24 KM/h -->

Although the edge has the same size, the arrival time in the first crossroads is different. I don't understand, it should be same... I guess.

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