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Re: [sumo-user] Swerving / fishtailing of vehicles when using sublane model
Hi Jakob,
thank you for looking into that. The problem seems to be minimized, but, unfortunately, when raising the demand, I can still observe the oscillating behavior with the current nightly snapshot (r25506). I added the same scenario with higher demand: https://syncandshare.lrz.de/dl/fiErEWR5TJnGw2hqCzygZRMW/minimal_test_fishtail_higherdemand.zip
When looking at AB_counter_truck.36 at simulation second 76.2 the blinkers and angels still show frequent changes. Should I just fix the parameters and if so, how is the relation between the different values to prevent this behavior?
Thanks again for the great work, the sublane feature is very helpful!
Von: Jakob Erdmann [mailto:namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Montag, 7. August 2017 14:55
An: Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>
Cc: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Betreff: Re: [sumo-user] Swerving / fishtailing of vehicles when using sublane model
Thank you for providing the example scenario. The issue (http://sumo.dlr.de/trac.wsgi/ticket/3333) is fixed in revision [25500].
The relevant aspect of your scenario for exposing this problem was a mismatch between lane width, vehicle width and the minGapLat attribute (default 1.0m). In your scenario, the vehicles were unable to maintain their minimum preferred lateral gaps even when driving in the center of their lane. Setting vType attribute minGapLat="0.8" would also mitigate the issue.
2017-07-25 10:48 GMT+02:00 Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx<mailto:jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>>:
I hope I prepared a meaningful and minimal enough example. It can be downloaded here: https://syncandshare.lrz.de/dl/fiMpaoK6ajFTxaMLLcs5czyX/minimal_test_fishtail.zip
For example AB_counter_car.3 leaves the network straight on the second lane, whereas AB_counter_car.27 alternates between 203.88 degrees and 205.86 degrees from step 69.1 on.
The alternating indicators can be seen on some of the trucks. With curved networks and more variable traffic, the effects become more obvious though.
I hope that helps, let me know, if I can provide anything else.
Thanks again
Von: Jakob Erdmann [mailto:namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>]
Gesendet: Dienstag, 25. Juli 2017 14:36
An: Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx<mailto:jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>>
Cc: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: Re: [sumo-user] Swerving / fishtailing of vehicles when using sublane model
fluctuation decisions indicate a bug in the sublane lane-change model. You can help to get this fixed by providing a minimal example scenario (the fewer vehicles and edges the better).
2017-07-25 6:10 GMT+02:00 Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx<mailto:jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>>:
sorry to warm this topic up again. I’ve been looking a bit more into it again and I definitely see some improvement, but the behavior of the sublane model with 0.1 s step still leads to a frequent change in the sign of the yaw rate of vehicles. Furthermore, for some vehicles, there seem to be fluctuating decisions about lane changes, so each step they redecide and the indicators blink right and left alternating each step.
Is this still considered a bug or just the nature of the sublane lane-change model? If the latter is the case, are there suggested parameter sets to damp this behavior?
Thanks a lot for your suggestions
Von: Kaths, Jakob
Gesendet: Freitag, 14. Juli 2017 13:18
An: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: 'Jakob Erdmann' <namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
Betreff: AW: [sumo-user] Swerving / fishtailing of vehicles when using sublane model
Sorry, I should have tried the latest developer version first. Looks a lot better on first glance! Thanks!
Von: Jakob Erdmann [mailto:namdre.sumo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 13. Juli 2017 14:10
An: Kaths, Jakob <jakob.kaths@xxxxxx<mailto:jakob.kaths@xxxxxx>>
Cc: sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Betreff: Re: [sumo-user] Swerving / fishtailing of vehicles when using sublane model
this is due to a bug which has been fixed in the latest development version.
2017-07-13 8:05 GMT+02:00 Kaths, Jakob via sumo-user <sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<mailto:sumo-user@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>:
Hi everybody,
I know there have been some bugfixes in this area lately, but still I observe somewhat odd behavior when using the sublane model. Especially longer vehicles (trucks, busses) in some parts of my network seem to fishtail/swerve for no apparent reason. They perform oscillating angle changes, which makes them "wiggle" without actually changing lanes. I set the lateral resolution to 0.5, the step size to 0.1 and I'm using the SUMO 0.30.0 release.
Are there any hints on how to avoid this behavior? I tried adjusting the lateral speed (to 0.1), but it doesn't help.
Dipl.-Ing. Jakob Kaths
Technische Universität München
Ingenieurfakultät Bau Geo Umwelt
Lehrstuhl für Verkehrstechnik
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Fritz Busch
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