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Re: [sumo-dev] Trouble compiling NetEdit with Visual Studio 2022

Netedit is actively being worked on and unfortunately, this broke the build process a few times in the last days. 
To better diagnose the problem you are facing, try to build from the 1.16.0 sources (or do a `git checkout v1_16_0` if you're working of a cloned repo).

Am Mi., 15. März 2023 um 19:09 Uhr schrieb Gumble, Hannah <hannah.gumble.17@xxxxxxxxx>:
Hi all,

I have been working with visual studio 2022 to compile SUMO. I am able to compile the SUMO gui and osmWebWizard. However, I have not been able to compile NetEdit. When I compile, I don't get a specific error, the application does not open. Has anyone experienced anything similar or encountered this issue?

Thank you in advance for your help.

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