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RE: [stp-dev] element based annotaion validator is ready to use

I’ve integrated the validator with the wizards, it works nicely.


Few of things though:

-        The method getFileNameFromNS is a bit capricious (see the logs extract below). Basically it expects the NormalAnnotation object to contain the canonical class name of the annotation being validated. That’s actually rarely the case, in general only the local name is used and the validator should be able to cope with this situation (should be easy enough to do with the help of the AnnotationSupportProxy). I logged a low priority story for this.


-        The validator gets a bit upset if it cannot find a schema for a particular annotation namespace and starts throwing error logs all over the place J… looks like a bad catch block somewhere…


-        The schemas need to be expanded a bit; I created a story for this and will try to get into it tomorrow.


-        We need to find a way to make the error messages a bit more user friendly. here’s a sample of what we are getting right now : “cvc-complex-type.2.4.a: Invalid content was found starting with element 'name'. One of '{"":partName}' is expected.” I logged a story for that too.





DEBUG -- -- namespace:RequestWrapper /etc/validator/tWrapper.xsd

 DEBUG -- -- namespace:RequestWrapper schema fileName:tWrapper.xsd 

 DEBUG -- -- schema file try to load:etc/validator/tWrapper.xsd 

        at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.protocol.bundleentry.Handler.findBundleEntry(

        at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.BundleResourceHandler.openConnection(






From: stp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:stp-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Johnson Ma
Sent: 15 November 2006 03:27
To: Beaurpere, David
Cc: STP Dev list
Subject: [stp-dev] element based annotaion validator is ready to use


Hi David,


The element based annotation validator should be ready to use now.


Check out the test at


The input of the validator is NormalAnnotation.

The return type is boolean value. if it returns false. you can call validator.getLastErrorMessage to get the error message string.


The schema files for jsr181 are checked in at




The way it works is:

-> build annotaion xml doc from the NormalAnnotation

-> try to find the schema according to namespace defined in the annotation xml.

-> if the schema doesn't exist, the validator will return true.

-> otherwise, validate the xml against it's schema


You can put more schema files to the etc/validator/ dir at anytime, thus we can support user to validate any annotation they want.














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