The May STEM Community Call will be this Thursday, May 11th, at 9 am Pacific Time. As always, we invite all those using or exploring the use of STEM in their research efforts to join us and to pose any issues and questions they may have about this open source software platform.
If you would like to join in the call, please contact me, judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx for call in instructions via a toll-free line. The agenda appears below.
Agenda for the STEM Community Call on May 11, 2017
1. STEM 3.0.0 Milestone 5: Release to follow solution of problem with launcher on Mac
Awaiting resources (summer intern? post doc?) to make build compatible with Eclipse; workaround is currently available on the wiki at
2. Queries raised on stem-dev Digest, Vol 97, Issues 1-4
Taras: Differences between the stochastic solver in STEM and the stochastic Gillespie algorithm to solve ODEs [?]
Emily: Setting the seed on the stochastic solver; using the nonlinearity coefficient [Resolved]
3. Model Development
Emily: Problems with predicates noted on stem-dev 4/19; any resolution?
Taras: Issues discussed during April call and subsequently regarding model development w/ birth & death rates; posted bugs as in item 4 below; any workarounds available?
4. Bugs/Feature Requests
513636: Create option to log internal parameters over time (Taras)
515654: Calculating disease model with model generator; problem with multiple aging populations (Taras)
515648: Mixing edges when migrating to another polygon (Stefan/Taras)
5. New Contributions Available to STEM Users
*“Digital Epidemiology,” a lecture series at the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) in Berlin, the public health institute in Germany, starts May 3 and ends July 5. The program is available at; basic information is posted at All lectures streamed live on periscope ( and available to follow on Twitter ( Each lecture will be available for 7 days; all are free and in English.
*Course material from BfR’s February course on STEM is now available via a link on the wiki. To view, go to Filter M, Gunther T, BfR Team, “BfRTraining-STEM-Workshop at or go directly to the BfR-project page at
*A new presentation into Epidemiological Modeling prepared by Taras Gunther is available at
*Coming soon: STEM screenshots prepared by Nereyda in doing her dissertation
6. Items from Participants