The agenda for this week’s call appears below.
As always, the call is open to the entire STEM community, who are invited to raise topics of concern to them during the call.
Please email me, judyvdouglas@xxxxxxxxxxx, if you would like to join in, and I will send you call in instructions.
STEM Community Call
Thursday, November 5, 2015
12 noon Eastern Standard Time, 9 am Pacific
1. Java 8/Eclipse 4 build (aka STEM/LUNA build): Status update
*Testing—any bugs?
*Discuss—when to abandon?
*Migration completed?
2. Feature requests deferred until migration to new build completed: Review/prioritize?
*Restricting air travel for certain compartments
*New plug in to measure poverty
*Plug in for roads in Africa
*Batch to control sequencer
*Log automated experiments (?)
*Modify sequencer to get automatic experiments to run batch
*(new) Extend shape file capabilities per October discussion with Matthias?
3. Bugs
Bug 465981 Pending. Dengue model, Kamesh’s bug with running experiments
*Update from Kun/Jamie
4. Updates
*Almaden visit by China CDC for training?
*Synergies with BfR and Food Safety Institute in China?
*Nereyda’s research project?
5. Items from participants