1. 1.3.1 Release V1.3.1 RC2 is (4/25 review)
Updated what's new page on wiki
need to update plan page
2. 1.4.0 Release Plan
need to update plan page
performance improvements
Simplified creation of new Disease and Population models (Tools for generating new disease plugins)
Pajek-file Importer:
Enable import of discrete transportation events
Enable integration between user graphs and existing STEM graphs
Polio Example
Ability to Delete Items inside a Graph from Designer Perspective
Deep copy drag and drop for models
Create new mixing edges (chris to put edges back, jk to do generator)
Improved UI for decorators view
3. NEW DOC FOR 1.3.2
* wiki practice
* Best Practice for Developers, writing performance critical components in STEM (in progress)
* additional doc for more realistic food SCENARIO doc is done but not in wiki yet. Scenario today.
* Need better top level food modeling doc (draft created)
4. Project Practices
Use of Bugzilla/STEM Dev/direct email
Making changes with major impact (eg to STEM core)
wiki practice (page naming)
Best Practice for Developers, writing performance critical components
5. Food production discussion
6. Update on JET (let's try polio)
7. BUGs of the week:
Update from Chris
i) Make map synchronous
ii) option
iii) when to pause
iv) Asynchronous tasks that accumulated redraw requests add latency - fix is to get rid of the
accumulated request, not to make synchronous.
[Bug 369835] Feature Request: Improve Migration Edge Graph Generator
8. Demo camp dates and locations (Werner update)
BfR logo? / membership