STEM Community Call February 16, 2012
On call: Jamie, Chris, Kun, Matt, Judy
Next week: Jamie will be on vacation; Matt will initiate the call using the chair call-in number; Chris will moderate
1. 1.3.1 PLAN
No updates
Will be using Eclipse 3.7, EMF 2.7
1.3.1 integration build is up, is current build
TO DO: Chris will check w/Matthias
2. NEW DOC FOR 1.3.1
No additional doc required for 1.3.1
* Right click/compile example: Stefan will do this
* GLEAM API (later this summer?): Chris will do; as noted, date is in future; Jamie will help clarify
Current builds out of trunk now using Eclipse 3.7 and EMF 2.7
Waiting to release this for developers
4. MATTHIAS' SUGGESTION ON WIKI DEMO (chickenpox by BfR? Polio, smallpox)
Kun has created a schematic for a polio demo
Compartment model, shows polio, live vaccine; similar to dengue model, shows drift of vaccine
Checking the literature now; will check w/ experts before releasing
Chris will do Chicken pox
Will first read Wikipedia article on chicken pox, identify element to map model into
5. Still waiting on Eclipse re: SHAPE FILE IMPORT/IPZILLA
Matt: Person @ Eclipse who handles this has been on vacation
Chris: Working on shape file importer, using plugins; how to do w/ open map?
Jamie: Avoid import statement
Matt: Can’t compile w/o open map, would need to use standalone jar file
Chris: Reading of shape files most important
Jamie: Other alternatives? Jar file not good
Matt: Asking Eclipse to approve use of open map as a modified source under the license
Matt: Hardest part is to strip out overhead and dependency hierarchy
Jamie: Need plan B
Matt: Would need to distribute through another source
Jamie: Confronting problem in work w/ Norway, will confront again and again
Judy: 1060 abstracts submitted for ISVEE13, have extended deadline; notifications due mid-April
TO DO: Chris will ask Matthias to identify other conferences in the event of non-acceptances
Chris: Committed initializing from external data source, having problems w/ classes
TO DO: Chris will submit bug re scenario loader, assign to Jamie; need utility method in loader based on class
Jamie: Has been in contact w/ group in Brazil interested in STEM for food production
Jamie: Florida group preparing a grant proposal to USAID wants to use STEM