STEM Community Call January 5, 2012
On call: Jamie, Kun, Matt, Stefan, Matthias, Chris, Max, Xanyao, Werner, Judy
1. Release planning:
Target date for 1.3 is 1/24/2012
> Need to schedule review with Eclipse
Jamie: All can follow email on stem-dev, join call if desired
> Any outstanding issues? IP?
Matt: Still not sure about Open Map; have completed first steps in process, looks ok but
Because contract is not standard, needs to go to Eclipse Board of Directors
TO DO: Matt will send note to Sharon to get timeframe
TO DO: Based on date, decide during next week’s call whether to slip date or target for next release
* Ten years of Earth Science Data (2000-2010) available as STEM ''Features''
* Malaria Disease Model (''Anopheles'' calibrated)
* Dengue Fever Disease Model (''Aedes'' not yet calibrated)
* Additional NLS + User ability to switch languages
* Logger Framework with new loggers
====Release new loggers for 1.2.3
====Delete old loggers and views for 1.3
* Shape File Import Utility ( ********* EXPOSURE: Eclipse has not made progress yet on Open Map CQ. Possible Interim step - write import from KML)
* Integrating external models for study of food based transmission. Discussed later in call; see below
* New Differential Equation solver(s) from commons.math library
* Population Rescaler
* Bug Fixes from 1.2.2
* Improvements to the graph editor
Matthias: Jan has committed improvements; need testing; not sure whether in documentation
TO DO: Chris will handle
* Need presentation slides for 1.3
2. New doc for 1.3
* Dengue. TO DO: Add paragraph, put in mathematical description
* Initializers. TO DO: Chris will check, do what’s needed before release,
* Loggers. TO DO: Matt
* Malaria (done)
* Mosquitos VCAP (done)
* Population Rescaler: TO DO: Take off list
* Shape file importer (NEW): TO DO: Matthias’ team will supply
TO DO: Matt will check build for documentation plugin
TO DO: Decide whether need one link to directory on home page or set of links to doc in wiki
RELATED ISSUE RE HELP IN STEM: Explore how to re-organize wiki to better help users
* Solvers. TO DO: Stefan
3. Ideas for future STEM demos. Discussion deferred
>FD vs Integration
>Data Import example (playback)
>Data input example (initialize from csv)
>Data logging image and data examples
>Dengue Fever example(s)
>Disease Playback demo
> what else?
4. Continued discussion on Modeling of food mediated diseases
Chris: Created initializer for world w/ animal populations @ zero, have to initialize each time (unlike humans)
Query: Is this confusing for users?
TO DO: Matt will create square lattice example for cattle
TO DO: Matthias’ team will work on this over the next week
5. Shape file import/IPZilla, any updates?
Max: Importer functioning; still need to connect w/ GUI; has been working w/ Matt
Matthias: Goal now is to shape files into STEM
Jamie: Need to create plugin
TO DO: Max will send latest version of code to Matt, also Matthias after call; Jamie & IBM team will help create plugin
6. Items from participants
Kun: Has draft of dengue paper, will be sending for serial review
Matt: Eclipse committers need passwords changed
Per Matthias, will keep Jan as active committer, Dirk will be made emeritus
Werner: Will post note re bees on newsgroup; may be opportunities to present at conference in Germany in April
Will be in California next week, will contact Stefan
Jamie: Wants to visit Matthias w/ a couple team members to discuss collaborative efforts
Explore joint papers, conference venues, etc.
Matthias: Spring or summer good time; biologist Alex Palenski (sp?) will join call soon