STEM Community Call September 15, 2011
On the call: Jamie, Matt, Judy, Kun, Stefan
Topics of the Week
1. STEM 1.2.2 is up, thanks to Matt.
Please report any issues by bugzilla
Decided not to change platform now because EMF has a big bug
2. STEM project leadership news
Dan Ford has resigned as project co-lead
Stefan Edlund has been nominated; committers can vote
3A. Release planning STEM 1.2.3 (repeating agenda item) ~Nov 21 (RC1 Nov 1)
* Ten years of Earth Science Data (2000-2010) available as STEM
* Malaria Disease Model (''Anopheles'' calibrated)
* Dengue Fever Disease Model (''Aedes'' not yet calibrated)
* Additional NLS + User ability to switch languages
* Logger Framework with new loggers
* Shape File Import Utility (Dependency on Open Map CQ)
* Integrating external models for study of food based transmission
* New Differential Equation solver(s) from commons.math library
* Bug Fixes from 1.2.2
3B. Release planning STEM 1.3 – Target date is still 1/07/2012
Need presentation slides for 1.3
New doc needed; Judy to maintain list
*Dengue Fever
* New solvers
* New initializers (2 kinds)
* New loggers
4. Update on Dengue model status
Chris is working on two runs, one regular, one high res for one node; will send to Jamie
Will hold off on call to Derek for time being
5. No update on Babel language pack CQ
6. Future Demo Scenarios (Repeating Agenda Item)
*FD vs Integration
*Data Import example (playback)
*Data input example (initialize from csv)
*Data logging image and data examples
*Dengue Fever example(s)
*Potentially more
* Possibly YouTube for some
7. New Integration Algorithms. Clarify next week
8. Items from participants
Stefan: Rewrote new solver; large array, uses only one thread
Judy: Will post Newsgroup item re new wiki material from Stefan (malaria and mosquito)