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[stem-dev] Minutes from STEM call on 08.11.2010


Task and Documentation Tracking

On call: Jamie, Arik, Matt, Stefan, Dan, Judy, Traci, Valerie, Dave



·         Will be sending out agenda prior to calls

  • ALL:  Email items to him w/ copy to Judy by end of day Monday for inclusion

·         Has been working w/ Stefan to resolve Bug 321899 submitted by Traci and Dave

·         Stefan: Analyzed Bug, found to be partly an artifact

·         Jamie: Can avoid by using integration when doing science (vs. running scenarios)

·         Problem w/ level 2 data

·         STEM doesn’t do aggregation; level 0 was actually air travel log file

·         Solution: Stefan is working to resolve

·         In working on Bug 321899, found defect in transportation model

·         Population is not conserved when using 2 nodes, integration edge, and disease model

·         Several components, Priority 1 Bug; will resolve


·         Working w/ Earth Science data

·         Have elevation in; almost done with temperature; still need rainfall; want to add vegetation; plan to finish by end of week

·         Can use w/ population models

·         Jamie: Can work w/ humans, mosquitoes, toy model (will use Earth Science data); still need to write disease model


·         Month ago could use only demographic population model for cross infecting; can now cross infect two populations

·         Jamie: Create 2 different populations, 2 different populations models; create demographic or disease model -> transmission matrix

·         Jamie: Might need new type of demographic model; consult Anderson and May

·         Now have demographic SEIR, should be enough for 1st stage

·         Need to determine what we want to do w/ malaria models, what we want them to show (e.g., effect of climate change? Of vector control?)

·         Need to distinguish between use of STEM w/ epidemic disease vs. endemic disease


·         Completed new shorter YouTube demo, put on wiki documentation

·         Worked on Bug (above)


·         Work done by student interns on Globe demo solve problems

·         Will improve and speed mapping in STEM


·         Have created scenarios w/ and w/o innoculator; have queries as to how innoculator works

·         Jamie: Puts individuals into R state (both vaccinated and recovered); need to specify containment; could create a new compartment for inoculated; could specify innoculator rate, effectiveness, etc.


·         Query: Unsure when modifying edges which edge goes w/ which label

·         Jamie: Used physical adjacencies, roads in Americas only; Armin in Germany is working on a a new graph generator for cattle ranges, feeding lots, will import to STEM

·         Jamie: Need a graphical editor; working on this

·         Query: How do edges relate?

·         Jamie: Go to wiki, STEM documentation, transportation models for clarification

·         Jamie: Active discussion as to what should be part of disease model, what part of population model 


·         Query: Headless version of STEM?

·         To be discussed w/ Matt tomorrow


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