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Re: [soc-dev] Check in

Hi Wayne,

I am working on project "Merge SnipMatch into Eclipse Code Recommenders" [1], we are on schedule so far. Now I know Eclipse's code style, IP check demand, how to check in code by Gerrit CI system by help from my mentor Doug and Marcel, and we usually discuss our project details in Code Recommenders mail list [2], if you are interested in our project, we can learn our progress rate there :-)

[2]  recommenders-dev@xxxxxxxxxxx

2012/5/28 Wayne Beaton <wayne@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Can everybody who is working on an GSoC project please check in?

Students, can you please let us all know your status? Are you on schedule? Are you learning what you need to learn?

You should be well underway in your development. If you are in need of assistance, you should seek it soon.

Please let us all know where you are doing most of your communication. I do see some student activity project mailing lists, but I'm only seeing the work of a very small number of our students. I prefer that you work in an open and transparent manner; project dev lists are an ideal location for this sort of communication. Bugs are another good place. Some private email communication is normal and expected, but should augment public communication.

If students or mentors are missing in action, please let me know. Private email might be best for this sort of communication :-)

I look forward to hearing from you.

Wayne Beaton
The Eclipse Foundation
Twitter: @waynebeaton
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Best Regards From Cheng Chen [chengchendoc@xxxxxxxxx]

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