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Re: [soa-pmc] Candidates for termination

Dear all, 

following up on my previous email, the EMO has proceeded to schedule a termination review for the previously mentioned projects:

Kind regards,
Maria Teresa Delgado

On Tue, Aug 8, 2023 at 4:17 AM Eclipse Management Office EMO <emo@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Dear PMC and project team(s),
based on the project activity, last commit and releases, the EMO has identified the following project(s) as candidate(s) for termination:

- Mangrove - SOA Modeling Framework:
- Eclipse JWT: (The project has no PL)

Any additional information you are able to provide regarding the status of the project(s) will be highly appreciated. Otherwise we'll proceed to schedule a termination review in the upcoming weeks.
Kind regards,
Maria Teresa Delgado

The Eclipse Management Organization | Eclipse Foundation

The Eclipse Management Organization | Eclipse Foundation

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