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[soa-pmc] FW:

Resend after I subscribed to the list.


From: Ian Skerrett [mailto:ian.skerrett@xxxxxxxxxxx]
Sent: December-05-13 8:08 PM
To: 'Marc.Gille@xxxxxxxxxxx'; 'mike.milinkovich@xxxxxxxxxxx'; 'ralph.mueller@xxxxxxxxxxx'
Cc: 'soa-pmc@xxxxxxxxxxx'
Subject: RE:




I missed the fact that this tutorial was a SOA Symposium. I certainly do want you guys to have the SOA Symposium this year so I am glad you want it too.  J  We definitely want to support project meetings like what you have proposed.


How many people do you expect, so we can plan a room size? Also do you want it Monday morning or afternoon?


I will need to work with Anne to find a room but I am pretty sure we can find something for you.








I am writing this e-mail on behalf of and in accordance with the SOA PMC and to this group as I don’t have Ian Bull’s contact data. Kindly forward.


We greatly appreciate the acceptance of our submission


However, we intend to express our frustration that a top level-project like SOA is not worth more than a 30-minute talk on an EclipseCon conference, especially taking into account that


·        we really had invested to put a proper, cross-project agenda for the mentioned symposium together,

·        the 3 most active projects (Mangrove, BPMN2 Editor, Stardust) represent more than 5% of the entire Kepler codebase,

·        these projects are constantly collaborating on integration (e.g. homogenized support for BPMN 2.0, monitoring integration between Mangrove and Stardust),

·        the ECE 2013 symposium was well-attended and

·        with Winery we got another promising initiative on board to connect to other industry standards (OASIS TOSCA) and first collaboration with the Winery team has already started.


We understand and acknowledge that participation in previous conferences and the commercial success of ECON are important criteria, but I guess at least the further is a chicken-and-egg problem.


In sheer desperation we suggest to do some of the content planned for the 3h symposium as a BoF session in the evening. SunGard may sponsor drinks and we will try to make it even more entertaining than a usual symposium.


Many thanks,




Dr. Marc Gille * Senior Vice President, Product Management, Infinity * Global Business Services and Technology * SunGard * 340 Madison Ave, 7th Floor, New York, NY 10173 * Phone +1 646 445 1294 * Mobile +1 347 414 4529 * marc.gille@xxxxxxxxxxx * * Twitter @marcgille


Description: Description: Description: coc-signature-03-2012

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