Great. Thanks, Bob. May be alternatively to “open the process model alternatively with the BPMN2 modeler”, we should open subsequently with both editors to show that both may modified and be used
by their respective audiences without breaking things. Should not be a biggy as we both work on the same metamodel implementation. An nothing is wrong with a little regression test …
From: soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx
[mailto:soa-pmc-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] On Behalf Of Bob Brodt
Sent: Montag, 19. November 2012 22:25
To: Marc Dutoo
Cc: SOA PMC mailing list
Subject: Re: [soa-pmc] submission to ECON?
OK, done. Thanks Marc & Marc :)
Bob, just added you to the submission.
I suggest you insert a line saying that, in parallel to modeling the process in Stardust modeler in Orion, you can benefit of the BPMN2 standard to view and edit it in Eclipse thanks to the BPMN2 editor...
Le 19/11/2012 20:32, Bob Brodt a écrit :
OK, that sounds good to me (especially the "beers" part - I can certainly handle that ;)
Can you list me as one of the speakers for the current SOA-Track session and just let me know about how much presentation time I'll have? Is this something we can work out later (maybe in tomorrow's PMC call?)
So, I don't think I'll be able to put something together for the editor by today's deadline, but I could certainly ride your coattails if you'll let me ;)
[marc.gille] Coattail right away.
I'll have much more free time over the Christmas holidays to devote to a presentation - what kind of integration/tutorial were you thinking about Marc?
[marc.gille] Most importantly all tools to be used in an integrated fashion. At least your modeler and Stardust (and its Browser Modeler) should work seamlessly
as we are both using BPMN2 metamodel.
Some Web Service + UI Mashup, deploy, run, beers.
That was my thinking.
this is what I have submitted:
Happy to adjust (or you do). Bob, any chance that you could join the mix?
Great, so we need to make a submission, deadline is today :). Can somebody (Marc or Marc) do this, and put us three as authors? I'm traveling and don't have a laptop...
Sent from my iPhone.
Hi Adrian, Marc
The other Marc (I) is also interested, as I said in my email replying to Marc's "Attendees SOA Track" email. I'd submit updates to my ECE talks, with new stuff & demos since EasySOA will have ended by then.
Le 16/11/2012 18:16, Mos, Adrian a écrit :
Hi Marc,
So far it seems we are the only ones interested in proposing a session. It would be great if you could put a submission in, you can add me as a co-author. I suggest keeping it simple for now, basically just saying
that following our successful SOA Symposium in ECON EU, we are planning to provide a more focused tutorial, focused on practical demos, to keep the momentum going. There are many things happening in this space and we can certainly show interesting things in
Boston. One idea is to also have a talk accepted, like the Modelling Symposium, with lightning talks from various projects:
I will be away from Sunday for a week but I can keep in touch by email.
I also think we should. But I cannot work on anything before tomorrow afternoon. Happy to draft sth after.
Hi Guys,
the submission deadline to ECON 2013 is Monday. Are we going to propose a follow-up session to our SOA Symposium? I think we should… What are your thoughts?
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