Me too.
Von: smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:smila-dev-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx] Im Auftrag von Jürgen Schumacher
Gesendet: Dienstag, 21. Februar 2012 09:01
An: Smila project developer mailing list
Betreff: Re: [smila-dev] Highlighting proposal for 1.1
Ok with me.
Hi folks,
I was just looking over the HL spec and was wondering if we should change it a bit for the 1.1 release.
ATM we just ask for a list of attributes for which HL shall be turned on, but there is no room to spec anything else.
Hence I propose to change the HL config to be similar to the other configs on field level to be contained in a map, like so:
<Val key="query">meaning of life</Val>
<Seq key="highlight">
<Val key='attribute'>content</Val>
<Map key='nativeParameters'>
For now I would just put into the general smila search spec, that this map contains the attribute and the nativeParams map.
If any of you think we should add any common HL arguments into the general spec
- Length
- startMarker
- endMarker
- …
plz answer to this mail but at this time I wouldn’t want to do this.
Result wise I would leave it at the current general spec that the highlighted text (if present at all) is contained in the _highlight-Map for each result item containing a nested map having the attribute’s name and a nested text-Val at minimum. If an impl. wants to add anything else it is free to do so.
<Seq key="records">
<Val key="_weight" type="double">0.95</Val>
<Val key="_recordid">file:hamlet</Val>
<Val key="title">Hamlet</Val>
<Val key="author">Shakespeare</Val>
<Map key="_highlight">
<Map key="content">
<Val key="text">... To *be* or not to *be* ...</Val>
Are you ok with that?
What do you think?
If there are no objections we would impl. that then for solr.
Thomas Menzel @ brox IT-Solutions GmbH