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Re: [sisu-dev] Moving to Eclipse's jakarta.inject?

Hi Arjen,

Interesting question - Sisu runs on top of Guice and we had a similar situation when elements of the Guice inject API were standardized to javax.inject. In that case we were able to support both old and new because the Guice API was retrofitted on top of javax.inject, ie. Guice's Provider interface was changed to extend javax.inject.Provider - along with some additional code to support scanning for both sets of annotations.

Could you open a ticket to investigate what would be needed to support jakarta.inject?  ( )

Some changes would also be needed in the Guice project, but we can open tickets there once we have a better idea of how this could all co-exist.

Cheers, Stuart

On Mon, 29 Jun 2020 at 22:15, arjan tijms <arjan.tijms@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

I noticed Sisu is using javax.inject. As part of the Jakarta project at Eclipse, we're moving the namespace from javax.* to jakarta.*.

Wondering if Sisu has any plans to uptake the name namespace.

Kind regards,
Arjan Tijms

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