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[sisu-dev] [ANN] Eclipse/Sisu 0.3.0 milestone 1

Hi folks,

The first milestone of Sisu 0.3.0 is now available:

This milestone contains the following features:

429268 Support @org.eclipse.sisu.Typed as alternative to @javax.enterprise.inject.Typed
429277 Remove unused type parameter from BeanEntry List/Set adapters
433187 Update ASM to version 5.0.2
433807 Fix warning: Supported source version 'RELEASE_6' from annotation processor '' less than -source '1.7' 
433960 Avoid evaluating value in BeanEntry.toString()

423596 Upgrade to Plexus Classworlds 2.5.1
441254 DefaultPlexusContainer#discoverComponents mishandles recreated realms

There were also various caching improvements made while fixing 441254 which should help both JSR330 and Plexus applications.

Cheers, Stuart

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