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[sirius-dev] [ANN] Sirius 6.0.0

Sirius 6.0.0 is now available!

Sirius 6.0.0 is a major release and part of Eclipse Photon. See the release record for an overview of the major features and important bug fixes.

Note that two new optional features introduced in this version are considered experimental at the moment:
* The "Sirius ELK Integration" feature (org.eclipse.sirius.diagram.elk.feature).
* The "Sirius Support for Modeling Workflows" feature (org.eclipse.sirius.workflow.feature).

Adopters are welcome to test them and feedback is very welcome, but they should not be used on production modelers at the moment.

== Availability ==

Sirius 6.0.0 is available from the following update sites:

It is recommended you use the update-site matching the version of Eclipse you use to avoid potential issues at runtime.

The complete JUnit and SWTBot test suites used to validate Sirius are published along with all their dependencies in separate update-sites from the core, available at:

== Compatibility & Requirements ==

Sirius 6.0.0 is compatible with the following versions of Eclipse:
* Eclipse 4.7 (Oxygen).
* Eclipse 4.8 (Photon). Photon is the reference platform.

== New & Noteworthy ==

The complete list of (54) tickets fixed in Sirius 6.0.0 can be found at

The release notes with highlights and the full documentation will soon be published at


Laurent Redor
+33 2 51 13 52 18

7 Boulevard Ampère - Carquefou - France | twitter | linkedin

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