Last week I have finish the two bugs I have working on it, the Bug434698 and Bug436332 (merged on the "gsoc2014" branch). This bugs have helped me to understand more about Sirius VSM,
The Bug436332 is a minimal modification to make Bug434698 possible and now the CustomSiriusActionBarContributor is able to handle multiselection for menu computation.
The Bug434698 is a creation of new Action and Commands on "Refactoring" menu allowing the user, when have multiselection of diverse tools, to can group all of them in same Tool Section, Tool Group or Tool Group Extension.
The Grouping Actions only allow the user Group Into new Tool Group, Tool Group Extension, Tool Section when he has selected several compatible elements (see provided screenshots). When the selection contains an element which is not a tool, the menu is disabled.
Image 1 - When the user have only one tool selected he can't execute any of the Grouping Actions
Image 2 - Grouping Actions when the user have various tools selected
Image 3 - Group Into Tool new Group
Image 4 - Group Into Tool new Group Extension
Image 5 - Group Into Tool new Section
With all this work I have improved my technical skills, dicovered the EMF, learned more about the abstract classes, worked with some Google Guava utilities like “com.google.common.base.Predicate” and “com.google.common.collect.Iterables”
This week I am reformulating the schedule because I took to much time on previews bugs but they allow me to understand better Sirius. this schecule should be present in the end of this week.
Next week I will add details when I have the schedule done in the end of this week.
Best Regards
João Martins