Hi Monica, Kai (et. Al.),
Sorry missed the call, FYI, we’re working through several CI/CD steps with the Eclipse EMO to shore up the projects integrity (above and beyond the obvious assurance that code is well documented and tested. Some of the ongoing steps being
debugged with EMO are for
https://github.com/eclipse-uprotocol/uprotocol-core-api are:
- Branch protection rules (using otterdog stuff Eclipse setup for eclipse-uprotocol project)
- Github actions that are mandatory checks for merging and approvals, etc…)
- Upload/releasing of artifacts into a central and secure repository that can be consumed by other projects or internal to companies for production
Once we resolve for uprotocol-core-api, we’ll apply the same for the SDKs, then the transports and platforms (as they become available).
From: sdv-wg <sdv-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> On Behalf Of
Monica-Daniela Vede via sdv-wg
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2023 10:46 AM
To: Software Defined Vehicle Working Group <sdv-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Cc: Monica-Daniela Vede <monica-daniela.vede@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXTERNAL] [sdv-wg] SDV Process session 26/10/2023
ATTENTION: This email originated from outside
of GM.
Dear all,
Thank you to those that managed to join our session today.
You can find the meeting minutes
here. The
slides you've seen are also referenced and linked in the meeting minutes.
The Agenda for the next session (on the 09.11.2023) already has the following items:
· Presentation on SonarQube usage (Kai Hudalla)
· Discussion on establishing a committee that would perform the evaluations of the projects against the defined criteria of the SDV Process (All)
If you have any other points you'd like for us to discuss please let me know so I can add them to the Agenda.
Also, should you have any questions to ask, feedback to give, ideas to raise - please contact me.
Last but not least, a kind reminder about our Hackathon in Munich, 28th-30th of November, at the Accenture Office - if you have colleagues, friends or even yourselves that would be interested to participate, there is still time to register! You can find all
relevant information on the event's
With thanks and kind regards,
Dana Vede
Software Process Engineer |
Eclipse Foundation
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