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Re: [sdv-wg] Technical alignment meeting series
Unfortunately, I just read the email, so bit of a short notice for me. Looking forward to reading the meeting notes
Dear SDV community,
the majority of votes favours to have the initial technical alignment call tomorrow at 16:00 CEST. So please block the time slot in your calendar. We will send an invite later today.
This initial technical alignment meeting will directly be followed by our Preparation/Intro meeting for our next Contribution Day. So please don't mix up the two.
Technical alignment call planned for 4:00pm CEST
2nd Contribution Day prep call planned for 5:00pm CEST
So in total the chance to join two interesting hours on SDV tomorrow.
Any questions please let me know
Best regards
Dear SDV community,
Now that we hold our first project contribution day and learn about the first batch of project contributions to the SDV space, one question starts to become increasingly relevant: how do we (SDV) evolve that growing set of individual building blocks into a coherent, larger technology ecosystem?
As a starting point for such an evolution we’d propose to initiate a technology-minded SDV regular meeting, where interested parties from the community will have a room for dumping brains and synchronizing ideas. It feels like we could profit substantially by beginning to align on overarching ideas and vocabulary, for starters – the proposal is to form a group of people who are motivated to drive this exchange, and jointly determine how to drive towards an “SDV Ecosystem”.
We can set this up any way that is useful to the group – a starting point for a first workshop-session might be for everyone to bring their top-of-mind item that a SDV ecosystem should address, and perhaps their northstar vision of what might facilitate such a landscape. To organize such a first meeting please join the following Doodle poll ( https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/ej2WYx5e ) and provide your availability latest until Friday, July 15th EOB
Kind regards
Michael Plagge
Director Ecosystem Development | Eclipse Foundation Europe GmbH
M: +49 (0) 172 8688 326 | LinkedIn
Berliner Allee 47, 64295 Darmstadt - Germany
Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 92821
Managing Directors: Gaël Blondelle, Mike Milinkovich
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