Hi Zahra,
From Arm side, we are nominating Matt Spencer ( Senior Principal ) for the SDV Steering Committee .
sdv-wg <sdv-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Zahra Fazli <zahra.fazli@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wednesday, March 9, 2022 at 7:11 AM
To: sdv-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx <sdv-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [sdv-wg] SDV Working Group Election Announcement for Steering and Marketing Committee
The Software-Defined Vehicle (SDV)
Working Group Charter identifies three key governing committees
for which there are annual elected positions to be filled.
The Steering Committee
The Marketing and Brand Committee
The Specification Committee
This election announcement only concerns the
Steering and Marketing Committees for the Participant Members at this time.
Please note that Strategic Members each have a representative appointed to these Committees. Guest and Supporter Members do not have representation on the governing committees.
Through this email, we are announcing the Eclipse Foundation will hold elections on behalf of the working group for the following positions using the proposed timetable listed below:
The Steering Committee:
One Seat for Participant Members
The Marketing and Brand Committee:
One Seat for Participant Members
All members are encouraged to consider nominating someone from a Participant Member (Accenture, Capgemini Deutschland, Continental Automotive, Digital Mobile Innovations, Futurewei
Technologies, Red Hat, and SUSE (at time of writing)) and self-nominations are more than welcome.
The period for the nominations is March 09, 2022, to March 18 , 2022. Nominations
must be sent to this mailing list indicating the related Committee.
When the nominations are closed, we will inform the working group of the confirmed candidates providing a short bio for each along with their position statement. At that point, we will distribute ballots via email to those eligible to vote. The election process
will follow the Eclipse “Single Transferable Vote” method, as defined in the
Eclipse Bylaws. The winning candidates will be announced on this mailing list following
the close of the election.
Below is the complete schedule for these elections:
Election Schedule:
March 9-18: Call for Nominations
March 21: Announce Candidates Standing
March 22-25: Ballots Created/Sent (Voting Period)
March 28: Announce candidates
Please let us know if you have any questions. Nominations are now open!. Best Regards,
-- Zahra Fazli
Membership Coordinator |
Eclipse Foundation
Eclipse Foundation:
The Community for Open Innovation and Collaboration
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