Great to meet you Michael, well basically I should explain that back in November I attended the Automotive Compute Conference and was exposed to all the intensive discussions around the software defined vehicle. I have made successful
efforts to bring along our thinking internally around the SDV throughout product lines and software teams and forcing asking ourselves what we can so as a semiconductor player. We are observing all the concurrent efforts here including SOAFEE and MIH.
I very much appreciate the SDV is founded on a Code First principle, and I think this is something which sets Eclipse SDV apart from the other consortia. When I ask myself what NXP would be able to contribute I wouldn’t necessarily jump
to code first, but certainly there seems to be demand for a fully virtual workstation which I find interesting. Internally we used this method to share a limited number of Bluebox’s with special camera hardware, you just SSH in to a bunch of cores and deploy
and validate. There are some open source components we may be able to contribute to with our implementations of DDS middleware. I also looking across the board at orchastrators, network configuration, hypervisor and look for components that map onto our
hardware platforms,
Regarding the press release on 3rd March, and joining. I firmly believe we should at least join as a supporting member and explore and allow us to ask other participants what they expect from the semiconductors guys
😉 I just need the full support from my peers and colleagues, but I think it would be great exposure for us. On top of that I’m sure we have networking knowledge and ideas to contribute from our
own working groups and experts.
Best Regards,

Thomas Brown
Solution Architect
Vehicle Network Processing
NXP Semiconductors
+44 7841076919

From: sdv-wg <sdv-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
On Behalf Of Michael Plagge
Sent: 17 February 2022 17:49
To: Software Defined Vehicle Working Group <sdv-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [sdv-wg] [EXT] Reminder for 2nd community meeting today
Caution: EXT Email
Hi Thomas,
yes the email address is correct. Great to get in contact with you.
Anything I can support please let me know.
Director Ecosystem Development | Eclipse
Foundation Europe GmbH
M: +49 (0) 172 8688 326 |
Berliner Allee 47, 64295 Darmstadt - Germany
Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 92821
Managing Directors: Gaël Blondelle, Mike Milinkovich
Hello Michael,
Is this is the correct email I can use to reach out to you following the 2nd Community Meeting?
I just want to thank you for your efforts to summarise the charter and the planned press activities. I personally have spent the last year driving internal projects looking at
zonal architectures and I have been observing the requirement for virtual workstations.
Best Regard,

Thomas Brown
Solution Architect
Vehicle Network Processing
NXP Semiconductors
+44 7841076919

From: sdv-wg <sdv-wg-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
On Behalf Of Michael Plagge
Sent: 17 February 2022 11:52
To: Software Defined Vehicle Working Group <sdv-wg@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [EXT] [sdv-wg] Reminder for 2nd community meeting today
Caution: EXT Email
Hi all,
just want to send a short reminder on our planned 2nd community call today at 5:00pm CET.
Join Zoom Meeting
And while it was named "Community call" it is in fact more an event about how to join the SDV working group. So the event today will be mostly relevant for organisations which are currently in internal discussions about joining the SDV working group and would
like to clarify organisational topics like
- how to contribute projects
- relation between working groups and projects
- process to join the EF and the SDV working group
Looking forward to talking to you soon.
Director Ecosystem Development | Eclipse
Foundation Europe GmbH
M: +49 (0) 172 8688 326 |
Register for our virtual event:
- October 25-28,
Berliner Allee 47, 64295 Darmstadt - Germany
Handelsregister: Darmstadt HRB 92821
Managing Directors: Gaël Blondelle, Mike Milinkovich
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