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[science-iwg] Brief update on science-iwg related discussion at EclipseCon


I wanted to share with you briefly some details from our science-iwg discussion at the Seaport Hotel's Tamo Bar on 20130326. 

In attendance:
Robert Heggdal - Itema
Jan Inge Husby - Itema
Torkild Resheim - Itema
Eirik Folstad Wahl - Itema
Jay Jay Billings - ORNL

We met at 19:30 and stayed until about 21:30. We spent some time discussing our different projects - SIMA and NiCE - and started discussing different things that we could do in the science-iwg community to collaborate and reduce the programming load across the community. All most every institution is feeling a financial pinch these days, most especially those in the science world, and any ways that we can help one another go a long way.

We agreed that it was best to start small, with information, experience and code where possible. Probably the most critical place to start is on plotting scientific data. We were lucky to catch up with Xihui Chen, also from ORNL and CC'ed to talk about his swt-xy-graph,, the following day. This product is already used in SIMA and I'm going to look at using it in NiCE. NiCE currently has a home-grown plotting solution in it, but Xihui's is much better. It would be great to hear from the DAWN folks if any of you are reading about this on your plotting solution.

We also discussed at some length the challenges that we face with 3D graphics rendering for both problem setup and output analysis. 

I must admit that coming out of this discussion and the conference as a whole I feel quite energized. It was really great to meet other folks from the community and see that we are facing some of the same issues. I think the science-iwg community should start planning for EclipseCon Europe in the fall where it would be good to see a talk on SIMA (no pressure guys! :)), talks from others in the community, several BOFS for the science-iwg and anything else we can do. 


Jay Jay Billings
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Twitter Handle: @jayjaybillings

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