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March 09, 2009
06:30 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3196] EclipseLink Dependancies: JCA Connector Version: 1.5 (PB CQ1621) emo-ip-team
March 05, 2009
11:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3180] CompositeTable Version: 1.0.0 emo-ip-team
March 04, 2009
20:31 Re: [rt-pmc] Re: Swordfish review slides Jeff McAffer
17:39 Re: [rt-pmc] Need to address our must-dos for RT projects Scott Lewis
17:17 Re: [rt-pmc] Re: Swordfish review slides Ricco Deutscher
14:43 Re: [rt-pmc] Re: Swordfish review slides Jeff McAffer
14:40 Re: [rt-pmc] Need to address our must-dos for RT projects Jeff McAffer
14:34 Re: [rt-pmc] Need to address our must-dos for RT projects Thomas Watson
13:27 Re: [rt-pmc] Re: Swordfish review slides Anne Jacko
13:11 Re: [rt-pmc] Re: Swordfish review slides Bjorn Freeman-Benson
13:06 Re: [rt-pmc] Re: Swordfish review slides Ricco Deutscher
12:36 Re: [rt-pmc] Need to address our must-dos for RT projects Scott Lewis
12:14 [rt-pmc] Need to address our must-dos for RT projects Thomas Watson
10:00 Re: [rt-pmc] Re: Swordfish review slides Oliver Wolf
March 03, 2009
17:48 RE: [rt-pmc] EclipseLink 1.1 release review slides (again) Douglas Clarke
17:46 Re: [rt-pmc] EclipseLink 1.1 release review slides (again) Jochen Krause
12:02 RE: [rt-pmc] Re: Swordfish review slides Douglas Clarke
11:43 Re: [rt-pmc] Re: Swordfish review slides Ricco Deutscher
09:38 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3039] Apache ODE BPEL Engine 2.0-beta2 (PB CQ2742) emo-ip-team
09:28 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3039] Apache ODE BPEL dev snapshot Version: 1.3-SNAPSHOT (PB CQ2742) emo-ip-team
03:20 [rt-pmc] Switch of Co-Lead in SMILA Project August Georg Schmidt
March 02, 2009
19:16 [rt-pmc] Re: Swordfish review slides Bjorn Freeman-Benson
14:48 [rt-pmc] EclipseLink 1.1 release review slides (again) Douglas Clarke
02:51 [rt-pmc] Swordfish release review Oliver Wolf
February 27, 2009
17:18 RE: [rt-pmc] Marketing Meeting at EclipseCon Thomas Watson
12:02 RE: [rt-pmc] Marketing Meeting at EclipseCon Ian Skerrett
11:50 Re: [rt-pmc] Marketing Meeting at EclipseCon Jeff McAffer
11:46 [rt-pmc] Re: Creation Review for Jetty Anne Jacko
10:54 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3099] Apache Nutch Version: 0.8.1 emo-ip-team
10:52 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3100] Apache Commons HttpClient Version: 3.0.1 (using Orbit CQ1354) emo-ip-team
10:25 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3100] Apache HttpClient Contrib Code Version: 3.0.1 emo-ip-team
09:32 RE: [rt-pmc] Marketing Meeting at EclipseCon Douglas Clarke
09:26 RE: [rt-pmc] Marketing Meeting at EclipseCon Douglas Clarke
09:12 RE: [rt-pmc] Marketing Meeting at EclipseCon Thomas Watson
09:04 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3101] tagsoup Version: 1.2 emo-ip-team
08:44 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3100] Apache HttpClient Contrib Code Version: 3.0.1 emo-ip-team
08:43 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3099] Apache Nutch Version: 0.8.1 emo-ip-team
08:39 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3101] tagsoup Version: 1.2 emo-ip-team
February 26, 2009
20:28 RE: [rt-pmc] Marketing Meeting at EclipseCon Ian Skerrett
13:16 RE: [rt-pmc] Marketing Meeting at EclipseCon Douglas Clarke
13:10 Re: [rt-pmc] Marketing Meeting at EclipseCon Jochen Krause
10:30 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3177] OpenLDAP Version: 2.3.30 (PB CQ1358) emo-ip-team
February 25, 2009
20:53 [rt-pmc] Marketing Meeting at EclipseCon Ian Skerrett
14:53 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3101] tagsoup Version: 1.2 emo-ip-team
February 24, 2009
12:26 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3156] Apache Commons Fileupload Jar 1.2 (using Orbit CQ1895) emo-ip-team
04:54 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3054] pdfbox Version: 0.7.3 emo-ip-team
03:39 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3156] Apache Commons Fileupload Jar 1.2 (using Orbit CQ1895) emo-ip-team
February 23, 2009
17:49 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3156] Apache Commons Fileupload Jar 1.2 (using Orbit CQ1895) emo-ip-team
16:57 RE: [rt-pmc] Re: Updated EclipseLink 1.1 release review slides Douglas Clarke
12:47 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3053] cxf-bundle Version: 2.1.3 emo-ip-team
12:46 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3156] Apache Commons Fileupload Jar 1.2 (using Orbit CQ1895) emo-ip-team
12:44 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3053] cxf-bundle Version: 2.1.3 emo-ip-team
08:30 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3156] Apache Commons Fileupload Jar 1.2 (using Orbit CQ1895) emo-ip-team
07:48 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3053] cxf-bundle Version: 2.1.3 emo-ip-team
07:45 [rt-pmc] Committer vote for Leo Sauermann has been approved by the PMC portal on behalf of Jochen Krause
06:45 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3054] pdfbox Version: 0.7.3 emo-ip-team
06:32 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3039] Apache ODE BPEL dev snapshot Version: 1.3-SNAPSHOT (PB CQ2742) emo-ip-team
February 21, 2009
13:07 [rt-pmc] Re: APPROVED: IP Log for rt.swordfish Anne Jacko
February 20, 2009
00:00 [rt-pmc] Reminder to approve committer vote for Leo Sauermann portal on behalf of emo
February 18, 2009
14:09 RE: [rt-pmc] Re: Updated EclipseLink 1.1 release review slides Douglas Clarke
13:41 [rt-pmc] Re: Updated EclipseLink 1.1 release review slides Anne Jacko
February 17, 2009
14:58 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3102] Apache Jakarta ORO Library Version: 2.0.8 (PB CQ232) ( using Orbit CQ2104) emo-ip-team
12:20 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3045] SLF4J version Version: 1.4.3 (Subset: API Jar and Log4J Jar) ( using from Orbit CQ3096) emo-ip-team
12:16 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3026] velocity-1.5.jar Version: 1.5 (using from Orbit CQ3093) emo-ip-team
11:59 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3056] JAXB 2.1.9 Version: API (using from Orbit CQ3094) emo-ip-team
11:51 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3057] JAXB 2.1.9 Version: IMPL (using from Orbit CQ3095) emo-ip-team
11:11 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3018] saaj-api-1.3.jar Version: 1.3 from Glassfish ( using from Orbit CQ3091) emo-ip-team
11:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3102] Apache Jakarta ORO Library Version: 2.0.8 (PB CQ232) ( using Orbit CQ2104) emo-ip-team
10:53 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3016] OpenSAML Version: 1.1 (using from Orbit CQ3090) emo-ip-team
10:37 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3015] xmlschema Version: 1.4.2 (using from Orbit CQ3089) emo-ip-team
10:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3101] tagsoup Version: 1.2 emo-ip-team
10:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3099] RT SMILA WebCrawler Reused Nutch Version: 0.8.1 emo-ip-team
10:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3098] RT SMILA Webcrawler emo-ip-team
09:39 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3009] AOP Alliance Version: 1.0 (using from Orbit CQ3087) emo-ip-team
05:06 [rt-pmc] Please approve CQs Oliver Wolf
05:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3057] JAXB 2.1.9 Version: IMPL (PB CQ3006) emo-ip-team
05:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3056] JAXB 2.1.9 Version: API (PB CQ3005) emo-ip-team
05:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3045] SLF4J version Version: 1.4.3 (PB CQ1912) emo-ip-team
05:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3026] velocity-1.5.jar Version: 1.5 (PB CQ1977) emo-ip-team
05:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3022] Apache XML Security Jar Version: 1.4 (PB CQ1397) emo-ip-team
05:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3018] saaj-api-1.3.jar Version: 1.3 from Glassfish (PB CQ2291) emo-ip-team
05:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3016] OpenSAML Version: 1.1 (PB CQ1398) emo-ip-team
05:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3015] xmlschema Version: 1.4.2 (PB CQ2756) emo-ip-team
05:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3012] stax-api 1.0.1 Version: jar (PB CQ3003) emo-ip-team
05:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3009] AOP Alliance Version: 1.0 (PB CQ2918) emo-ip-team
February 16, 2009
08:30 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3084] slf4j-api Version: 1.5.6 emo-ip-team
08:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3086] openrdf-sesame-2.2.4-onejar.jar Version: 2.2.4 emo-ip-team
08:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3085] slf4j-log4j12 Version: 1.5.6 emo-ip-team
08:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3084] slf4j-api Version: 1.5.6 emo-ip-team
February 15, 2009
00:00 [rt-pmc] Reminder to approve committer vote for Leo Sauermann portal on behalf of emo
February 09, 2009
09:20 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3028] Apache XMLBeans Version: 2.3 (using Orbit CQ1602) emo-ip-team
February 06, 2009
08:08 [rt-pmc] PMC approval needed for committer vote for Leo Sauermann portal on behalf of emo
February 04, 2009
12:46 Re: [rt-pmc] bios Thomas Watson
February 03, 2009
17:50 Re: [rt-pmc] Question regarding third party libraries for Galileo Jeff McAffer
16:53 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3039] Apache ODE BPEL dev snapshot Version: 1.3-SNAPSHOT (PB CQ2742) emo-ip-team
16:48 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3050] nuoveXT & Vista-Inspirite Version: unversioned emo-ip-team
11:09 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3069] jax-ws reference implementation Version: 2.1.5 emo-ip-team
11:00 [rt-pmc] [CQ 3069] jax-ws reference implementation Version: 2.1.5 emo-ip-team
10:02 RE: [rt-pmc] FW: EclipseLink 1.1 Review Slides Douglas Clarke
09:48 RE: [rt-pmc] FW: EclipseLink 1.1 Review Slides Douglas Clarke

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