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Re: [riena-dev] OSGI 4.2 Distributed Services

I forgot to mention...if people are interested in examining/getting/contributing to the ongoing work in this area (which is most welcome, of course)...see

modules:  org.eclipse.ecf/framework/bundles
module (junit tests):  org.eclipse.ecf/tests/bundles

There is a lot of work going on right now/this week WRT the testing modules in particular, as we are now working on an extensible test suite that allows discovery and remote service providers to test their implementations (as well as test the RFC 119 impl itself).


Christian Campo wrote:
We have RFC 119 (which is the spec in 4.2. for distributed services) on our radar for quit some time now (say summer 2008). As you may now ECF is working really hard to have a working RFC 119 implementation for 3.5 although it seems that their schedule is really really tight.

While we are interested to comply to a standard now that it actually exists we havnt performed any concrete steps yet and we wont for 1.1.0 (Eclipse 3.5).

We still have our own properties for publishing services and now there is a standard it make a whole lot sense to replace them with standard way of doing it.

How do you use Riena Remote Service ? (or anybody for that matter). Do you use the properties when you register the service and rather the API "Publish.service(...)" ? And what about the client ? Call RemoteServiceFactory ? Now with 1.1.0M5 we supply a new fluent Interface for the client "Register.remoteService(....)".

What is your prefered way of using Remote Services ?

My personal preference is to keep the fluent APIs because they are so handy and have some RFC 119 compliant way of using remote services ?

Any feedback is welcomed


Am 27.02.2009 um 12:36 schrieb ekkehard:

hi rieners,

OSGI 4.2 is "ante-portas" and one importrant thing is "Distributed OSGI"
first blogs are testing this:

what are the thoughts from Riena about this ?
will (and can) Riena Remote Services fit into the new OSGI Distributed
Services ?

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