Dear All,
as presented in the last meeting, it is my pleasure to invite you to join the Horizon Cloud Summit 2020 “Shaping the New Strategy for Cloud Computing
in Europe”, which will take place virtually on 25 & 26 November 2020 from 10:00 - 16:00h CET.
Register now:
The Summit aims at gathering researchers and innovators, Cloud stakeholders, as well as Cloud initiatives and projects to be on top of the relevant technology
and market developments and it will focus on the following thematic sessions:
1. From Digital Europe to High Impact Project - The Role of Cloud Computing
This session will be organised as different panels where speakers provide their view about:
Cloud Federation: Towards a single EU Cloud and Data market
The Cloud-Edge continuum: A key building block of EU data spaces
Sustainable Cloud for Greener Europe
2. Cloud Computing research challenges
This session will be organised in small workshops where specific research priorities are discussed to come up with an initial shared position on them.
3. Success stories, best practices and use cases for innovating through cloud adoption
This session will be organised in parallel sessions collecting presentations of different success stories in adoption of cloud technologies.
Call for submissions!
Answer to our call for submissions and get the chance to:
Animate thematic panels & workshops on research, innovation and policy topics of central relevance to consolidate and grow the European Cloud Computing initiative
Showcase your outcomes / demos and use cases from ongoing European Cloud Computing projects
Foster sessions for collaborative exchange of experiences among European Cloud Computing players
Facilitate access to available resources (especially for European SMEs), networking and synergies across several European Cloud Computing initiatives
Submission Deadline Theme 1 & 3: 30 October 2020
Submission Deadline Theme 2: 25 October 2020
In particular I believe that eucloud cluster can play an important role in shaping Theme 2,
kicking off more in depth discussion on specific research areas identified in the roadmap.
We are looking forward to virtually meeting you on 25 & 26 November.
If you have any questions regarding the Summit, please do not hesitate to contact us info@xxxxxxxxxx
CTO, Head of Martel Lab
+41 788075838