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Re: [rdf4j-dev] 4.0.3 and 4.1.0


If it is at all possible to include #3936 (already merged into develop) in 4.0.3, that would be very very very much appreciated on our side! We misclassified the issue as an 'improvement', so it got into the wrong lane.



Am 2022-06-28 08:30, schrieb Håvard Ottestad:

I'm going to try release 4.0.3 today which contains a bug fix for an
unclosed stream and a fix for another group by query edge case.

The develop branch currently contains some highly anticipated features
and a decent number of performance optimizations. I have an issue open
to track the performance improvements:

I know that Jerven is also working on some performance improvements.
Would you (Jerven) like to aim to include those in 4.1.0? Anyone else
working on something that they want included in 4.1.0?

I have started by creating a tentative release date in the Eclipse
systems for a month from now. I do not know if that is realistic since
we need to run a review for this release. If we want to update any
dependencies, now would be the time.

So to summarize:
 - 4.0.3 is going out today.
 - 4.1.0 as early as a month from now depending on what more we want
to include and the review process with the Eclipse Foundation.

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