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[rdf4j-dev] prepping first 2.5 milestone build -> merging develop to master

I'm prepping to do our first milestone build for RDF4J 2.5.

As part of this, I will be merging the develop branches back into master. This will bump the pom versions in master to 2.5-SNAPSHOT, and I will bump the pom versions in develop to 3.0-SNAPSHOT, making that branch available for 3.0 feature development.

PLEASE NOTE: after I've completed this merge, any future PRs that should be part of the 2.5 release will need to targeted to the master branch.

There's a number of currently open PRs that are not quite ready for merging, which I will retarget myself by editing the PR. If you're currently working on a feature branched off of the develop branch, you should have no issue as long as you don't pull the updated develop branch into your feature branch. 



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