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[rdf4j-dev] SHACL rule inference


I have a general question about what is the best approach for handling inheritance in SHACL rules.

sh:targetClass ex:Person ;

sh:property [
sh:path ex:address ;
sh:or (
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:class ex:Address ;
] .

The sh:path ex:address gets inherited into each part of the sh:or. So it’s equivalent to the following:

sh:targetClass ex:Person ;
sh:or (
sh:path ex:address ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;

sh:path ex:address ;
sh:class ex:Address ;

And even though there is no example in the SHACL documentation, and this entire part of the spec is fairly poorly defined, I presume the following is equivalent too:

sh:targetClass ex:Person ;

sh:property [
sh:or (
sh:path ex:address ;
sh:datatype xsd:string ;
sh:path ex:address ;
sh:class ex:Address ;
] .

Question is. How should I handle this in RDF4J? 
 - Should I implement this as Java code in the SHACL engine. 
 - Should I wrap the SHACL rule sail in the CustomGraphQueryInferencer
 - Should I just run a SPARQL query myself to forward chain it?


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