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[rdf4j-dev] Pull requests and reviews


We need more people to review pull requests. Come on please, it’s not hard. Every so often take a few minutes to browse through a PR, and then either approve it, or ask questions, or suggest changes. But leave some feedback. 

This is particularly important now that I am available so much less than I was. I am currently the only dev who can merge pull requests (due to the fact that none of the other active devs is a full committer). However, I can’t review everything myself, I need to rely on other developers doing reviews and submitting feedback. 

People putting up PRs, I am also looking at you: if you want your PR to be merged, actively ask for other people to review it - and turnabout is fair play, so also take time to have a look at what other people are doing. 

I will not be merging any pull requests unless they have at least one approval by another dev (or if I can actually find the time to review them myself). 



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