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Re: [rdf4j-dev] Google Summer of Code ideas

See below for inline response:

On 26 January 2017 at 00:38, Jeen Broekstra <jeen.broekstra@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
On 25 Jan 2017, at 20:47, Rick Moynihan <rick.m@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

On 24 January 2017 at 22:09, Jeen Broekstra <jeen.broekstra@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi folks,

Eclipse is participating in the Google Summer of Code  and have invited all projects to think about participating as well. There’s two ways in which we can become involved: :
  1. Extending the QueryRenderer for SPARQL 1.1 (#71);
I'd certainly like to see the above implemented; though it's worth mentioning you can work around this by using JENA's ARQ.

You’re thinking of the QueryBuilder rather than the renderer, here. I’m pretty sure ARQ can’t process an RDF4J ParsedQuery object to produce a SPARQL string :) 

But extending the QueryBuilder is another one on my list, indeed. Perhaps a feature that would make it useful beyond what ARQ can do is that it creates and RDF4J algebra model directly, rather than producing a SPARQL string to feed into the parser. 

Sorry meant to ask in my other email, what you think the benefits of going directly to the algebra are; is it primarily to enable optimisations such as removing redundant clauses etc?


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