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Re: [rdf4j-dev] Stackoverflow questions about RDF4J SPIN

" In other words, if an ASK constraint evaluates to true for one instance, then the instance violates the condition. Optionally, CONSTRUCT queries can create instances of a spin:ConstraintViolation class that provide details on a specific violation."

I took that to mean that CONSTRUCT is just a fancy way of passing more information about the violation, i.e. the spin engine just uses the results to generate a violation, it doesn't insert any triples anywhere. Which makes sense right? the spin engine is just running a query and processing the results. CONSTRUCT returns an RDF graph, what the caller does with that is up to the caller - in and of itself it does not oblige the caller to insert them anywhere. This can be contrasted with DELETE/INSERT spin rules - it is very clear that these explicitly modify triples and don't depend on any behaviour of the caller.

If the poster wants triples to be inserted then they should use a spin:rule instead or as well as.

On Wednesday, 30 November 2016, 22:07, Jeen Broekstra <jeen.broekstra@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Hi Mark, others,

I don’t know if you follow StackOverflow at all but there have been a few questions there about our SPIN reasoner. Are you able to take a look and if possible write an answer? 

Most recent question:



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